Endodontic Treatment

Endodontic Treatment

What is Endodontic Treatment?

Endodontic treatment, commonly known as root canal therapy, addresses issues within the root canals and pulp chamber of a tooth. These hollow areas house nerve tissue, blood vessels, and cells, collectively known as the dental pulp. The primary goal of endodontic treatment is to eliminate infection within the tooth’s nerve.

Am I a Good Candidate?

  • If you experience persistent, severe tooth pain, especially when chewing or applying pressure, you may need a root canal.
  • Long-lasting sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures can indicate an infection or damage in the tooth’s pulp, making you a candidate for endodontic treatment.
  • A tooth that has become dark or discolored may be a sign of nerve damage or decay within the pulp, warranting root canal therapy.
  • Swelling, tenderness, or a recurring pimple on the gums near the affected tooth can indicate an infection that needs to be treated with a root canal.
  • Extensive decay or a significant crack or chip in the tooth that extends to the pulp may necessitate endodontic treatment to save the tooth.
  • If you have had multiple procedures on the same tooth or an extensive restoration that has failed, a root canal might be required to address underlying issues.
  • Evidence of an infection in the tooth’s pulp, such as an abscess, can indicate the need for endodontic treatment to eliminate the infection and prevent further complications.
  • If your dentist has identified that the pulp of your tooth is damaged or infected through X-rays or other diagnostic tools, you are likely a candidate for a root canal.
  • If you prefer to save your natural tooth rather than extracting it, a root canal is often the best option to eliminate the infection and preserve the tooth.
  • You should be in generally good health and able to undergo the procedure and healing process. Discuss any medical conditions or medications with your dentist to ensure you are a suitable candidate.


  • Endodontic treatment effectively alleviates the severe pain and discomfort caused by infected or damaged dental pulp.
  • By treating the infection and restoring the tooth, root canal therapy helps save your natural tooth, avoiding the need for extraction.
  • The procedure removes the infected tissue and decontaminates the root canal, preventing the infection from spreading to other teeth or parts of the mouth.
  • By eliminating infection and decay, root canal therapy promotes overall oral health and prevents more serious dental issues.
  • After endodontic treatment, the restored tooth can function normally, allowing you to chew and bite without pain or discomfort.
  • A treated tooth can be restored with a crown or filling, improving its appearance and maintaining the natural look of your smile.
  • Root canal therapy is often more cost-effective than tooth extraction and replacement options, such as dental implants or bridges.
  • With proper care, a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy can last a lifetime, providing long-term benefits.
  • Unlike some other dental procedures, root canal therapy focuses on treating the affected tooth without affecting neighboring teeth.
  • By saving the natural tooth, endodontic treatment helps maintain the structure of your jawbone, which can otherwise deteriorate after tooth loss.
  • Modern techniques and anesthesia make root canal therapy a relatively quick and comfortable procedure, with minimal recovery time.
  • With experienced professionals like Prof. Alfred Naaman, you receive expert care, ensuring the best possible outcomes and a healthy, pain-free smile.

More Details:

Root canals and their associated pulp chamber are the hollows within a tooth that are inhabited by nerve tissue, blood vessels and cells. All these items constitute the dental pulp.

Commonly known as root canal, endodontic treatment is a treatment sequence for the infected nerve of a tooth. Endodontic therapy is intended to eliminate infection. It involves the subsequent shaping, cleaning, and decontamination of the root canals with small files and irrigating solutions, and then the filling of the decontaminated canals with a gutta-percha and a biocompatible cement to protect the tooth from future bacterial invasion.

Prof. Alfred Naaman has more than 25 years in practicing and teaching root canal therapy and he will provide you with the best advice and results

Endodontic Surgery (apicectomy)

The purpose of apicectomy is to surgically excise infected tissue around a root canal-treated tooth. This minor surgery is performed when conventional root canal treatment is not possible or if infection continues to be a problem after root canal treatment.

Our experienced surgeons will perform this procedure when needed.


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